East Congregational Church (Jaffrey, N.H.)
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found: NUCMC data from Congregational Library for United Church of Jaffrey. Records, 1844-1980(First Church org. 1780 in Jaffrey, N.H., and new brick building built in 1831; by 1849 a new church was built in East Jaffrey (Jaffrey) which was known as East Congregational Church; in 1949 this joined with First Baptist Church (founded 1814) to form Federated Church; members of the Universalist Church (org. 1822, dissolved, 1939) also became part of the Federated Church; at this time, separate books were kept for each denomination; in ca. 1960 one church body was formed under the name United Church of Jaffrey)
found: Annett, A. History of Jaffrey, 1937:v. 1, p. 232, etc. (Jaffrey East Congregational Church; East Congregational Church)
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