Holbein, Hans, 1497?-1543. Solothurn Madonna
Work Begun
- (aat) Oil paintings (visual works)
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Hans Holbein d.J., die Solothurner Madonna, c1998:page 13 (commissioned in 1522 by the Basel city recorder Johannes Gerster and his wife Barbara Guldinknopf)
found: McGraw-Hill dict. of art(under Holbein, Hans: Solothurn Madonna; 1522; Solothurn, Museum)
found: Britannica(under Holbein, Hans: Solothurn Madonna)
found: Wikipedia WWW site, viewed July 11, 2022(Solothurn Madonna; oil on limewood; 1522 painting produced by Hans Holbein the Younger in Basel; the church which originally commissioned it is unknown but it resurfaced in 1864 in poor condition in the Allerheiligenkapelle in the Grenchen district of Solothurn; it has been owned by the town of Solothurn since 1879 and it has been named after the town since the late 19th century; it is kept in the Solothurn Art Museum)
notfound: Grove dict. of art
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Change Notes
1999-05-25: new
2022-07-12: revised
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