found: Chemical warfare agents, 1996:CIP t.p. (Robert L. Maynard, Dept. of Health, Skipton House, London)
found: Particulate matter, 1999:t.p. (R.L. Maynard, Dept. of Health, Skipton House, London, UK)
found: LCCN 99039157: Particulate matter, 1999(usage: R.L. Maynard)
found: Cotes' lung function, 2020:ECIP t.p. (Bob L Maynard, London, UK) galley (Robert L Maynard)
found: Histological techniques, 2020:title page (Robert Maynard, University of Birmingham, UK) p. vi (R L Maynard, Devon)
found: VIAF, viewed July 7, 2020(DNB access point: Maynard, Robert Lewis, 1951-; writes on toxicology and histology)