Northville (Suffolk County, N.Y.)
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
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Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: U.S. Chamber Maps, Inc. Welcome to Riverhead, New York, c2000:map recto (Northville)
found: GNIS, 25 Jan. 2001(Northville, popl. place, Suffolk Co., N.Y., 40°58ʹ12ʺN 72°37ʹ10ʺW; cites another)
found: Rand McNally comm. atlas, 1999(Northville, in Town of Riverhead, Suffolk Co. NY [Long Isl.]; cites another)
found: A farm family on Long Island's north fork, 2024:CIP galley (In the early nineteenth century, the community along North Road gradually took on the name Northville; When the increasingly prosperous community wanted its own post office in 1838, to avoid confusion with the upstate village of the same name, they chose to use the address “Success;” After the road became Sound Avenue to accommodate the new RFD route in 1899, both the church and the community soon followed along; When the inhabitants decided to incorporate as a village in 1920, they became the “Village of Sound Avenue”--probably the only village in the state ever named after a road. However, in a typically schizophrenic move, voters formally changed its name back to Northville shortly before becoming the only village to unincorporate in 1929)
found: New York State population, 1790-1980, 1987:page 210 (Northville; incorporated as Sound Avenue Village in 1921; name changed in 1927; Village dissolved in 1930)
found: GNIS, viewed August 30, 2024:Northville (Populated Place; Unincorporated Place; variant name: Success)
found: The naming of Long Island, 2009:page 44 (Northville was called Hallockville in the 1800s for the early settler Zachariah Hallock)
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Change Notes
2001-01-25: new
2024-08-30: revised
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