found: The new media reader, 2003:CIP t.p. (Nick Montfort)
found: 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1));:GOTO 10, c2013:ECIP t.p. (Nick Montfort) data view (b. 1972)
found: Tactical publishing, 2023:CIP title page (Nick Montfort) data view (ISNI: 00000001214342950)
found: Wikipedia, May 11, 2023(Nick Montfort is a poet and professor of digital media at MIT, where he directs a lab called The Trope Tank. He also holds a part-time position at the University of Bergen where he leads a node on computational narrative systems at the Center for Digital Narrative. Among his publications are seven books of computer-generated literature and six books from the MIT Press, several of which are collaborations)