Richmond and Lennox, Charlotte Gordon, Duchess of, 1768-1842
Gordon, Charlotte, Lady, 1768-1842
Lennox, Charlotte Gordon, Duchess of Richmond and, 1768-1842
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
Birth Date
Death Date
Death Date
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Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Miller, David. The Duchess of Richmond's Ball, 2005:p. 9 (Charlotte, Duchess of Richmond; née Lady Charlotte Gordon (1768-1842); married Charles Lennox, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, on September 9, 1789)
found: Wikipedia, viewed 22 August 2019(Charlotte Lennox, Duchess of Richmond, née Lady Charlotte Gordon, born at Gordon Castle 20 September 1768, died in London 5 May 1842)
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Change Notes
2006-01-18: new
2019-08-23: revised
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