found: The Bill Shannon Biographical Dictionary of New York Sports, via WWW, October 28, 2013(Floyd Odlum; Executive; born, Union City, MI, March 30, 1892; died, Indio, CA, June 17, 1976; a law graduate of the University of Colorado, Floyd Bostwick Odlum came to New York in 1917 to join the firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, specializing in utilities work; in 1923, Odlum and his first wife with a partner formed an investment pool that became Atlas Utilities Corp., an exceptionally successful holding company; he shrewdly sold his stock just before the 1929 stock market crash and used the resultant cash to prosper even further during the Great Depression; on Sept. 24, 1935, Odlum and several associates took control of the financially-ailing Madison Square Garden, installing Col. John Reed Kilpatrick as president; in 1937, he took over RKO Radio Pictures and shifted his attentions towards California, where he and his second wife, aviatrix Jacqueline Cochran, subsequently moved; Odlum later moved into the aviation industry and promoted the development of a new missile (called the Atlas), which was eventually used to power NASA's lunar landers; during World War II, he served with the War Production Board and the Office of Price Administration; Odlum subsequently sold his Garden interests, left Atlas in 1960, and, afflicted with severe arthritis, went into semi-retirement on a 732-acre estate in Indio, California)