found: Importance of the Green Mountains ... 1938?:p. i (University of Vermont and State Agricultural College)
found: Burlington, Vt., phone book, 1984(University of Vermont & State Agricultural College)
found: National union catalog pre-1956 imprints(hdg.: Vermont. University; usage: the term "University of Vermont" dates back to 1810; the term "University of Vermont and State Agricultural College" dates back to 1866 and is interchangeable with "University of Vermont"; "Vermont Agricultural College" cannot be verified)
found: Phone call to University of Vermont, 12/20/85("University of Vermont and State Agricultural College" is the official name for the University of Vermont)
found: Resource guide for Vermont's new and aspiring farmers, 2004:p. 1 (University of Vermont; UVM)
found: Wikipedia, via WWW, Jan. 29, 2013(University of Vermont; University of Vermont and State Agricultural College; UVM; a public research university; founded 1791 as a private institution at Burlington, Vt. under the name University of Vermont; merged in 1865 with Vermont Agricultural College to form the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College; commonly known as University of Vermont)