found: His The evolution of the comprehensive school, 1926-1966, 1969.
found: A different world for women, 1991:t.p. (David Rubinstein) pref. (retired from Univ. of Hull, 1988)
found: Before the suffragettes, 1986:t.p. (David Rubinstein, senior lecturer in social history, Univ. of Hull) prelims. (by the same author: School attendance in London 1870-1904; Victorian homes; Ideology and the labour movement)
found: But he'll remember, 1999:t.p. (David Rubinstein) back cover (born 1932)
found: York Friends and the Great War, 1999:t.p. (David Rubinstein) BL AL sent 7 Mar. 2001
found: BL AL recd. 21 Mar. 2001(David Rubinstein, born 7 Aug. 1932)
found: Faithful to ourselves and the outside world, 2001?:t.p. (David Rubinstein) back cover (taught history in London secondary schools, economic and social history at Univ. of Hull; member of the York (Friargate) Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends)