found: His The self-inflicted wound, 1970.
found: His Happy talk, c1990:CIP t.p. (Fred Graham) data sheet (b. 1931) bk. jacket (also author of The self-inflicted wound; lives in Nashville, Tenn.)
found: NUCMC data from LC Manuscript Division for His Papers, 1949-1982(Graham, Fred Patterson, 1931- ; journalist and lawyer)
found: Washington post WWW site, viewed Jan. 10, 2020(in obituary dated Dec. 30, 2019: Fred P. Graham, a onetime lawyer who abandoned legal practice for legal journalism, died Dec. 28 at his home in Washington. He was 88. Mr. Graham was perhaps best known as the legal affairs correspondent for CBS News, where he was hired away from the Times in 1972 to help cover the Watergate affair and where he spent the next 15 years of his career before joining Court TV in 1991. Fred Patterson Graham was born in Little Rock on Oct. 6, 1931)