found: His Eskimos without igloos, 1969.
found: Catalogue raisonné of the Alaska Commerical Company Collecation ... c1996:CIP t.p. (Nelson H.H. Graburn) data sheet (b. 11-25-36)
found: Turismo e antropologia, 2009?:t.p. (Nelson Graburn) front flap (b. in GrĂ£-Bretanha; master degree, Antropologia, Mcgill University; doctoral degree, Univ. de Chicago; docente, Univ. de Berkeley)
found: Tourism imaginaries at the disciplinary crossroads, 2016:ECIP t.p. (Nelson Graburn) data view (Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of California Berkeley)
found: OCLC, May 27, 2020:(access points: Graburn, Nelson H.H.; Graburn, N.H.H.; Graburn, Nelson; Graburn, Nelson H., 1936- ; Graburn, Nelson H.H., 1936- ; Graburn, Nelson H.H. (Nelson Hayes Henry), 1936- ; usage: Nelson H.H. Graburn; Nelson Graburn; N.H.H. Graburn)
found: Wikipedia, viewed online May 27, 2020:(Nelson H.H. Graburn, Professor Emeritus in Sociocultural Anthropology at University of California, Berkeley; born November 25, 1936, London, U.K.; B.A. Natural Sciences and Social Anthropology, Clare College, 1958; M.A. Anthropology, McGill University, 1960; Ph.D. Anthropology University of Chicago, 1963)
found:, viewed online May 27, 2020:(Nelson Hayes Henry Graburn, anthropologist and educator; Bachelor of Arts, Cambridge (England) University, 1958; Master of Arts, McGill University, 1960; Doctor of Philosophy, University Chicago, 1963)