found: His Historický vývoj angličtiny, 1953.
found: Dictionary of the Prague School of Linguistics, 2003:CIP t.p. (Josef Vacheck)
found: Lingvistický slovník Pražské školy, 2005:inside flap front cover (Prof. PhDr. Josef Vachek, DrSc., 1909-1996)
found: Information from 678 converted Dec. 11, 2014(Dr.; b. 1909)
found: Wikipedie, otevřená encyklopedie, April 24, 2020:Josef Vachek page (Prof. PhDr. Josef Vachek, Dr.Sc.; born 1 March 1909 in Prague; died 31 March 1996; Czech linguist, specialist in English and Czech languages; one of the significant members of the Prague Lingistic Circle; worked at the Ústav pro jazyk český of the Československá akademie věd; research interests: phonology, phonetics, English and Czech grammar, general linguistics and the theory of translation and written language) -