Fuller Name
- Marie Sophie
- Cottin, Marie Risteau, called Sophie, 1770-1807.
- Cottin, Marie-Sophie, 1770-1807
- Cottin, Sophie, 1770-1807
- Kotenʹ, 1770-1807
- Kottenʹ, 1770-1807
- Ristaud, Sophie, 1770-1807
- Risteau, Marie-Sophie, 1770-1807
- Risteau, Sophie, 1770-1807
- Ristaud, Marie Sophie, 1770-1807
- Cottin, Mme, 1770-1807
- Cottin, Sophie Ristaud, 1770-1807
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Birth Date
- 1770-03-22
Death Date
- 1807-08-25
Birth Place
- Tonneins (France)
Associated Language
- French
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Love stories
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Cottin, Marie Risteau, called Sophie, 1770-1807.
- found: Her The Saracen ... 1810.
- found: Bib. nat.(Cottin, Sophie Ristaud, dame)
- found: Dict. de biog. franç.(Cottin, Marie-Sophie Risteau, Mme; b. 3/22/1770; d. 8/25/1807)
- found: Dict. des lettres franç.(Cottin, Sophie Ristaud, Mme, 1773-1807)
- found: Elizabeth, or, The exiles of Siberia, 1827:title page (from the French of Madame Cottin)
- found: Wikipedia, viewed April, 14, 2015:Biography (Born Marie Sophie Ristaud (sometimes spelt Risteau) in March 1770 at Tonneins, Lot-et-Garonne; died in her thirties, in Paris on 25 August 1807.)
- found: OCLC, April, 14, 2015(access points: Cottin, Madame (Sophie) 1770-1807; Cottin, Madame, 1770-1807 (Sphie); Cottin, Madame Sophie Ristaud; usage: Madame (Sophie) Cottin; Mme Cottin; Madame Cottin; Madame ***, Auteur de Claire D'Albe; Madame C ...)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1980-09-30: new
- 2023-09-06: revised
Alternate Formats