found: His Learning by example, c1977:t.p. (Frederick Hayes-Roth)
found: Wkshp. on Pat.-Dir. Inference Systs., Honolulu, Hawaii, 1977. Pattern-directed ... 1978:t.p. (Frederick Hayes-Roth) pref. (signed: Rick Hayes-Roth)
found: His Knowledge acquisition, knowledge programming, and knowledge refinement, 1980:t.p. (Frederick Hayes-Roth) CIP data sheet (b. 11/12/47; middle name: Alan)
found: Rationale and motivation for ROSIE, 1981:t.p. (F. Hayes-Roth)
found: Postroenie ėkspertnykh sistem, 1987:t.p. (F. Kheĭes-Rot)