found: Colvin, H. W. The Sheldonian Theatre ... 1974 (subj.)t.p. (The Sheldonian Theatre) p. 5 (principal assembly-room, Oxford Univ., erected 1664-7; named after Gilbert Sheldon, Archbp. of Canterbury)
found: CUY 1977-78:p. 669, etc. (Sheldonian Theatre, like Bodleian Libr. & Ashmolean Museum, serves Univ. as a whole)
found: Oxford Univ. cal. 1976-77:p. 43 (Sheldonian Theatre)
found: BM(University of Oxford. Sheldonian Theatre)
found: Owen, C. Carmen Pindaricum in Theatrum Sheldonianum, 1669.
found: Its Theatri Oxoniensis encoemia, 1693.
found: Mayow, John. Tractatus quinque medico-physici, 1674:t.p. (Oxonii : E Theatro Sheldoniano (abl.))
found: The library : the transactions of the Bibliographical Society, v. 11 no. 3, Sept. 2010:p. 277 (in 1668-69, a printing press was set up at the Sheldonian Theatre) p. 278 (in Feb. 1671/2, the university agreed to pay for building a printing house adjacent to the theater itself)