found: Kiel, H. Il Museo ... c1977t.p. (Il Museo del Bigallo a Firenze) p. 6 (Org. in 1904, closed in 1924; reopened and inaug. 6/15/76)
found: The Bigallo, 1969
found: Encic. ital., 1929:v. 15, p. 449 (Loggetta del Bigallo) v. 36, p. 429 (Logge del Bigallo)
found: Baedeker's Florence, 1992:p. 76 (Loggia del Bigallo (Museo del Bigallo))
found: Karl Baedeker (Firm). Northern Italy, 1930:p. 569 (The Bigallo; built 1352-1358)
found: Historical guide to Florence, 1973:p. 161 (Loggia del Bigallo; used as a charitable institution)
found: Dir. of museums ..., 1985:p. 526 (Bigallo Museum (Museo del Bigallo); houses art collections formerly belonging to the Confraternity of Bigallo)
found: LC in OCLC, 10/12/94(a.e.) (hdg.: Museo del Bigallo)
found: OCLC, 10/12/94(a.e.) (hdgs.: Florence, Italy. Il Bigallo; Florence. Bigallo)
notfound: Florence tel. dir., 1976;Encic. ital.