found: Geller, J. ha-Yehudim ha-Sefaradim be-Romanyah, 1983 (subj.)t.p. (Buḳareshṭ) added t.p. (Bucharest [in rom.])
found: Iordan, I. Municipiul București, 1986?
found: Statesman's yrbk., 1986-87(Bucharest (București)--municipality with county status)
found: Web. new geog. dict., 1984(Bucharest, Rom. București, city, cap. of Romania, municipality constitutes an admin. district)
found: Posea, G. Municipiul București cu Sectorul Agricol Ilfov, 1984:p. 10 (Municipiul București reorg. in 1981; composed of six urban sectors plus Sectorul Agricol Ilfov; sectorul agricol consists of terr. surrounding city of Bucharest proper but extends chiefly to the north; according to map the terr. of former județ Ilfov broken up to form two new județ in south, Giurgiu and Călărași; boundaries of Ialomița județ to east adjusted to absorb part of Ilfov also; remaining northern part is Municipiul București)
found: Intern. yrb. bk. and statesmen's WW, 1987:p. 439 (decree of the State Council no. 15 of Jan. 23, 1981 on the reorganiz. of Ilfov and Ialomița counties: Romania consists of 40 districts; Bucharest is a municipality with rank of district, not subord. to any district, and divided into six sectors, with in addition the Ilfov Farming Sector subordinate to it)
found: Syndiaskepsē tou KKE (3rd : 1950 : Bucharest, Romania) 3ē Syndiaskepsē tou KKE, c1988:p. 7 (Voukouresti)
found: Foreign names information bulletin, April 30, 2001(former name: București [short form], Municipiul--ADM1, 44°30ʹN 26°05ʹE (RO00); new name: București [short form], Municipiul--ADM1, 44°30ʹN 26°05ʹE (RO10))
found: GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009(ppl; 44°25ʹ60ʺN 026°06ʹ00ʺE)
found: Kotnik, Janko. Slovensko-angleški slovar, 1962:page 753 (Bukarešta: Bucharest, Bukarest)