United States. National Labor Relations Act
Work Begun
- (lcgft) Statutes and codes
United States. Wagner Act
United States. Public Law 74-198
United States. Public Law 198, 74th Congress
United States. Laws, statutes, etc. National labor relations act
United States. Act to diminish the causes of labor disputes burdening or obstructing interstate and foreign commerce, to create a National Labor Relations Board, and for other purposes
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
found: Statutes at large of the United State of America from January 1935 to June 1936, vol. XLIX, part 1, 1936:(74th Congress, Sess. I; July 5, 1935; Chapter 372; Public Law 198; Act to diminish the causes of labor disputes burdening or obstructing interstate and foreign commerce, to create a National Labor Relations Board, and for other purposes) page 457 (Act may be cited as "National Labor Relations Act"; approved July 5, 1935)
Instance Of
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Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1979-04-25: new
2015-08-22: revised
Alternate Formats