The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)


  • URI(s)

  • Codes

    • a-af---
  • Variants

    • A-fu-han
    • Afeganistão
    • Affganistan
    • Affghanistan
    • Afganistan
    • Afġānistān Islāmī Jumhoryat
    • Afganistėn
    • Afganistėn Myslimėn Respublikė
    • Afghānistān Islāmī Imārat
    • Afghánská islámská republika
    • Afghanstan
    • Afghanstan Islam Respublikaḣy
    • Afhanistan
    • Ăfqanıstan
    • Ăfqanıstan İslam Respublikası
    • Afuganisutan
    • Ahyganitã
    • Apganistan
    • Aphganistan
    • Da Afġānistān Islāmī Jumhoryat
    • Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
    • DRA
    • Efẍanistan
    • Gweriniaeth Islamaidd Affganistan
    • Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
    • Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
    • Islamic State of Afghanistan
    • Islamikong Republika kan Apganistan
    • Islamitiese Republiek van Afghanistan
    • Islamska republika Afganistan
    • Islamskai︠a︡ Rėspublika Afhanistan
    • Isli︠a︡mska republika Afganistan
    • Jamhuri-ye Islami-ye Afghanistan
    • Jomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Afġānestān
    • Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Afghānistān
    • Republic of Afghanistan
    • República Democrática de Afganistán
    • Republik Islamek Afghanistan
    • Tetã Islãrehegua Ahyganitã
    • Афганистан
    • Афганистэн
    • Афганистэн Мыслимэн Республикэ
    • Афганістан
    • Ислямска република Афганистан
    • Ісламская Рэспубліка Афганістан
    • افغانستان
    • جمهورى اسلامى افغانستان
    • アフガニスタン
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

        Countries (sovereign states)
    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

        National state
    • Descriptor

    • Descriptor

    • Associated Locale

    • Associated Locale

        South Asia
    • Associated Locale

        Asia, Central
    • Associated Locale

        Islamic countries
                  • Has Demonym

                  • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

                  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

                  • Sources

                    • found: Stenz, E. The climate of Afghanistan, 1946.
                    • found: Kao, Y.S. Su-o, I-lang, A-fu-han san chiao kuan hsi, 1980:t.p. (A-fu-han)
                    • found: Libro blanco, 1984:t.p. (República Democrática de Afganistán)
                    • found: White book, 1982:t.p. (DRA; Democratic Republic of Afghanistan)
                    • found: Delastik, G. Aphganistan, 1985.
                    • found: Monte, J. Afeganistão, c1986.
                    • found: Boston Globe, Oct. 27, 1997(Islamic Taliban movement changed name from Islamic State of Afghanistan to Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan)
                    • found: Afghanistan national human development report, 2004:t.p. (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan).
                    • found: Journals of travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Affghanistan and the neighbouring countries, 2001.
                    • found: ʻErebe Efẍaniyekan, 2006:p. 24 (Efẍanistan)
                    • found: Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Afghānistān, ahdāf-i inkishāfī dar pānzdah sāl, guzārish-i sāl-i 1384, 2005 or 2006:(جمهورى اسلامى افغانستان = Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Afghānistān)
                    • found: Da mujāhidīnū lapārah lāyiḥah, [199-?]:t.p. (Da Afghānistān Islāmī Imārat)
                    • found: Wikipedia, April 24, 2015(Afghanistan (Pashto/Dari: افغانستان, Afġānistān [in roman]), officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan); Jomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Afġānestān [in roman]; Da Afġānistān Islāmī Jumhoryat [in roman]) Kabardian page (Афганистэн = Afganistėn; Афганистэн Мыслимэн Республикэ = Afganistėn Myslimėn Respublikė) Afrikaans page (Afghanistan, or Afganistan; Islamitiese Republiek van Afghanistan) Guarani page (Ahyganitã; Tetã Islãrehegua Ahyganitã) Azerbaijani page (Ăfqanıstan; Ăfqanıstan İslam Respublikası) Bashkir page (Afghanstan; Afghanstan Islam Respublikaḣy) Belarusian page (Афганістан = Afhanistan; Ісламская Рэспубліка Афганістан = Islamskai︠a︡ Rėspublika Afhanistan) Bikol Central page (Apganistan; Islamikong Republika kan Apganistan) Bulgarian page (Афганистан = Afganistan; Ислямска република Афганистан = Isli︠a︡mska republika Afganistan) Bosnian page (Afganistan; Islamska republika Afganistan) Breton page (Afghanistan; Republik Islamek Afghanistan) Czech page (Afghánistán; Afghánská islámská republika) Welsh page (Affganistan; Gweriniaeth Islamaidd Affganistan)
                    • found: The world factbook, via WWW, July 30, 2018(Afghanistan. Location: Southern Asia, north and west of Pakistan, east of Iran. Geographic coordinates: 33 00 N, 65 00 E. Conventional long form: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Conventional short form: Afghanistan. Local long form: Jamhuri-ye Islami-ye Afghanistan [in roman]. Local short form: Afghanistan. Former: Republic of Afghanistan)
                    • found: Wikipedia, July 30, 2018:Afghanistan (country located within South Asia and Central Asia) Central Asia (Central Asia stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to China in the east and from Afghanistan in the south to Russia in the north; Afghanistan, which is a part of South Asia, is also sometimes included in Central Asia)
                    • found: BnF catalogue général, July 30, 2018(Notice RAMEAU: Afghanistan. Used for: Afġānistān. Generic term: Asie centrale)
                    • found: Web NDL authorities, July 30, 2018(アフガニスタン = Afuganisutan) -
                  • Editorial Notes

                    • [URIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.]
                    • [Non-Latin script references not evaluated.]
                  • Instance Of

                  • Scheme Membership(s)

                  • Collection Membership(s)

                  • Change Notes

                    • 1979-07-31: new
                    • 2020-05-27: revised
                  • Alternate Formats