The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 1904-1991

  • URI(s)

  • Fuller Name

    • Isaac Bashevis
  • Variants

    • Bashevis, Isaac, 1904-1991
    • Singer, Itzhak Bashevis, 1904-1991
    • Basheṿis, Yitsḥaḳ, 1904-1991
    • Basheṿis-Zinger, Yitsḥaḳ, 1904-1991
    • Zinger, Yitsḥaḳ Basheṿis-, 1904-1991
    • Singer, I. B. (Isaac Bashevis), 1904-1991
    • Bashevis-Singer, Isaac, 1904-1991
    • Basheṿis, Yitsḥoḳ, 1904-1991
    • Zinger, Yitsḥoḳ Bashevis-, 1904-1991
    • Bashevis-Zinger, Yitsḥoḳ, 1904-1991
    • Башевис-Зингер, И., 1904-1991
    • Зингер, Исаак Башевис, 1904-1991
    • Зингер, Иссак Башевис, 1904-1991
    • באשוויס־זינגר, יצחק, 1904-1991
    • באשעוויס־זינגער, יצחק
    • באשעוויס, יצחק
    • באשעוויס, יצחק, 1904-1991
    • באשעװיס־זינגער, יצחק, 1904-1991
    • בשביס־זינגר, יצחק
    • בשביס־זינגר, יצחק, 1904-1991
    • בשביס־זינגר, י.
    • זינגער, יצחק באשעוויס
    • זינגער, יצחק באשעוויס, 1904-1991
    • זינגער, יצחק בשביס, 1904-1991
    • זינגר־בשביס, יצחק, 1904-1991
    • זינגר, יצחק באשוויס, 1904-1991
    • זינגר, יצחק בשביס, 1904-1991
    • זינגר, יצחק, 1904-1991
    • アイザックバシェビスシンガー, 1904-1991
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Birth Date

    • Death Date

    • Descriptor

        Nobel Prize winners
    • Associated Locale

        Surfside (Fla.)
    • Associated Language

    • Associated Language

    • Occupation



      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Sources

        • found: Satan in Goray, 1943:t.p. (Yitsḥaḳ Basheṿis)
        • found: Der ḳnekhṭ, 1980, c1967:t.p. (Yitsḥaḳ Basheṿis) verso t.p. (Isaac Bashevis Singer [in rom.]) cover (Yitsḥaḳ Basheṿis-Zinger)
        • found: Avila, P.L. G. García Márquez, I.B. Singer y N.V. Gogol, 1980:t.p. (I.B. Singer)
        • found: The certificate, 1993:CIP t.p. (Isaac Bashevis Singer) pub. info. (d. 1992)
        • found: God, Jew, Satan in the works of Isaac Bashevis-Singer, 1995.
        • found: Avi, Yitsḥaḳ Bashevis-Zinger, c1994.
        • found: Pan, 1928:t.p. (Yitsḥoḳ Basheṿis)
        • found: Singer, 2002:p. 9 (d. July 24, 1991)
        • found: Wikipedia WWW site, May 19, 2006(Isaac Bashevis Singer; b. Nov. 21, 1902 or July 14, 1904, Radzymin, Poland, Russian Empire; d. July 24, 1991, Miami, Fla.; Nobel Prize-winning Jewish writer of short stories and novels)
        • found: Britannica online, May 19, 2006(Singer, Isaac Bashevis; b. July 14?, 1904, Radzymin, Poland, Russian Empire (Singer's birth date is uncertain and has been variously reported as July 14, Nov. 21, and Oct. 26); d. July 24, 1991, Surfside, Fla.; Polish-born American writer of novels, short stories, and essays in Yiddish)
        • found: Wikipedia, German, English, Hebrew, via WWW,(Singer, Isaac Bashevis; born Nov. 21, 1902 in Leoncin, Powiat Nowodworski, Poland; died Jul. 24, 1991 in Surfside, Florida; author, translator into Yiddish)
        • found: Nobel Foundation, WWW, viewed on March 15, 2019The Nobel Prize in Literature 1978 (The Nobel Prize in Literature 1978 was awarded to Isaac Bashevis Singer "for his impassioned narrative art which, with roots in a Polish-Jewish cultural tradition, brings universal human conditions to life")
      • LC Classification

        • PJ5129.S49
        • PS3569.I5437
      • Editorial Notes

        • [Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.]
        • [Non-Latin script references not evaluated.]
      • Instance Of

      • Scheme Membership(s)

      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 1979-08-10: new
        • 2023-09-09: revised
      • Alternate Formats