found: Diesner, H.-J. Politik und Ideologie im Westgotenreich von Toledo, Chindasvind, 1979 (subj.)t.p. (Chindasvind) p. 3, etc. (usurped the throne in 642; on 1-20-649 passed most of responsibility for ruling to son Rekkesvind)
found: Ency. Brit, 1972,v. 20, p. 1085 (Khindaswinth)
found: Colliers ency.,v. 21, p. 398B (Khindaswinth (Chintasuinthus))
found: O'Callaghan, J.F. Hist. med. Spain, 1975,p. 45, etc. (Khindasvinth)
found: Orlandis, J. Historia de España, 1977,p. 80, etc. (Khindasvinto) p. 169 (d. 653)
found: Eich, H. Geschichte d. westgot. Könige seit Alarichs Tod, 1944,p. 249, etc. (Kindaswinth)
found: Claude, D. Adel, Kirche und Königtum im Westgotenreich, 1971,p. 115, etc. (Chindasvinth) p. 133 (d. 9-30-653)
found: Bradley, H. Story of the Goths, 1888,p. 374 (Kindaswinth, King of the Visigoths)
found: Fariñas, E. M. Los reyes godos, 1964,p. 5 (Chindasvinto)