found: Viale, G. Die Träume liegen wieder auf der Strasse, 1979 (a.e.)t.p. (Thomas Schmid)
found: Das Pfeifende Schwein, c1985:t.p. (Thomas Schmid) p. 143 (b. 1945 in Saxony; lives in West Berlin)
found: His Staatsbegräbnis, c1990:t.p. (Thomas Schmid) about the author (b. 1945; ökölibertärer Querdenker bei den Grünen; freier Autor u. Mitarb. am Amt f. Kulturelle Angelegenheiten in Frankfurt/M.; lebt in Lorsch)
found: Esch, H. G. Köln-Peking, Peking Köln, 2012:title page (Thomas Schmid) page 143 (born 1945 in Leipzig; German and English studies, political science in Frankfurt am Main; active as a lecturer and book author, later as journalist with "Die Welt" and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, becoming chief editor with Die Welt in 2006; long fascinated with China, to which he has made several trips)