The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Jullien, Louis Antoine, 1812-1860

Жюльен, Луи Антуан, 1812-1860

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Julien, 1812-1860
    • Julien, Louis Antoine, 1812-1860
    • Julien, Louis George Antoine Jules, 1812-1860
    • Jullien, 1812-1860
    • Jullien, A., 1812-1860
    • Jullien Eugène, 1812-1860
    • Jullien Louis, 1812-1860
    • Jullien, L. G. (Louis George), 1812-1860
    • Jullien, Louis 1812-1860
    • Jullien, Louis George, 1812-1860
    • Jullien, Louis George Antoine Jules, 1812-1860
    • Жюльен, Луи Антуан, 1812-1860
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

      • Additional Related Forms

      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Sources

        • found: His Celebrated drum polka, 18--.
        • found: His The Hibernian quadrille, between 1844 and 1857:t.p. (Jullien)
        • found: His Pietro il Grande, 1852?:t.p. (L.G. Jullien)
        • found: Boase, F. Mod. Eng. biog., 1965 (Jullien or Julien, Louis George Antoine Jules)
        • found: DNB(Julien or Jullien, Louis Antoine)
        • found: Grovemusic WWW site, Oct. 9, 2003(Jullien, Louis (George Maurice Adolph Roch Albert Abel Antonio Alexandre Noé Jean Lucien Daniel Eugène Joseph-le-brun Joseph-Barême Thomas Thomas Thomas-Thomas Pierre Arbon Pierre-Maurel Barthélemi Artus Alphonse Bertrand Dieudonné Emanuel Josué Vincent Luc Michel Jules-de-la-plane Jules-Bazin Julio César); b. Apr. 23, 1812, Sisteron, d. Mar. 14, 1860, Paris; French conductor and composer; "He published under both his surname and various Christian names--e.g. Roch-Albert--bestowed by his 36 godfathers, members of the Sisteron Philharmonic.")
        • found: Humphries, Charles. Music publishing in the British Isles, 1954(Jullien, Louis Antoine; active ca. 1842-1858; London music seller and publisher, conductor and composer of dance music; bankrupted in April 1848, business continued as Jullien and Co., 1848-ca. 1858; addresses: 3 Little Maddox Street, New Bond Street (ca. 1842-1845), Dépot général de musique dansante, 214 Regent Street and 45 King Street, Golden Square (ca. 1845-1848), then as Jullien & Co. (1848-ca. 1858))
        • found: Bibliothèque nationale de France, via VIAF, viewed December 13, 2019(Jullien, Louis, 1812-1860; born 1812-04-23, Sisteron (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), died 1860-03-14, Paris; variant access points: Jullien, Louis; Julien; Julien, Louis-Antoine; Jullien, A.; Jullien, Louis-Antoine; Jullien, Louis George; gender: male; lang. code: fre; note: conductor and concert organizer, composer) -
        • found: ISNI, viewed December 13, 2019(0000000066347796: preferred access point: Jullien, Louis; variant access points: Julien; Julien, Louis Antoine; Julien, Louis George; Julien, Louis George Antoine Jules; Jullien; Jullien, A.; Jullien Eugène; Jullien, L.G.; Jullien Louis; Jullien, Louis Antoine; Jullien, Louis George; Jullien, Louis George Antoine Jules; Jullien, Louis George Maurice Adolph Roch Albert Abel Antonio Alexandre Noé Jean Lucien Daniel Eugène Joseph-le-brun Joseph-Barême Thomas Thomas Thomas-Thomas Pierre Arbon Pierre-Maurel Barthélemi Artus Alphonse Bertrand Dieudonné Emanuel Josué Vincent Luc Michel Jules-de-la-plane Jules-Bazin Julio César; Jullien, Louis George Maurice Adolphe Roch Albert Abel Antonio Alexandre Noé Jean Lucien Daniel Eugène Joseph-le-brun Joseph-Barême Thomas Thomas Thomas-Thomas Pierre Arbon Pierre-Maurel Barthélemi Artus Alphonse Bertrand Dieudonné Emanuel Josué Vincent Luc Michel Jules-de-la-plane Jules-Bazin Julio César; Roch, Albert; Жюльен, Луи Антуан; ルイ・ジュリアン; French composer and conductor) -
      • LC Classification

        • ML410.J845
      • Instance Of

      • Scheme Membership(s)

      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 1980-02-22: new
        • 2023-09-19: revised
      • Alternate Formats