found: Epistolae variorum Carolo Magno regnante scriptae, 1895:table of contents (Epistolae Paulini Aquileiensis (series: Monumenta Germaniae historica. Epistolae))
found: L'œuvre póetique de Paulin d'Aquilée, 1979:title page (Paulin d'Aquilée)
found: Opere. Volume 2, 2007:title page (Paolino patriarca di Aquileia)
found: Italian Wikipedia, viewed February 9, 2021(Paolino II; Paolino II d'Aquileia; born circa 750 in Premariacco, in Friuli; died January 11, 802, in Cividale del Friuli; Lombard bishop and Patriarch of Aquileia)
found: English Wikipedia, viewed February 9, 2021(Paulinus II of Aquileia; Saint Paulinus II; born around 726 in Premariacco; died on January 11 in 802 or 804 AD; priest, theologian, poet, and one of the most eminent scholars of the Carolingian Renaissance; from 787 to his death, he was the Patriarch of Aquileia)
found: New Catholic encyclopedia. Second edition, 2003:volume 11, page 38 (Paulinus of Aquileia, St.; born circa 750; died January 11, 802; widely renowned in northern Italy for his learning, Paulinus was called by Charlemagne to his court school, where he formed a lasting friendship with Alcuin)