found: His Prelude on two old French noëls ... 1943.
found: Pinnock, T. The harmonious blacksmith [SR] p1984:container (in contents: Claude-Benigne Balbastre, 1727-1799; in program notes: Claude Balbastre) label (C.-B. Balbastre)
found: New Grove(Balbastre (Balbâtre), Claude-Bénigne; b. 1-22-1727; d. 6-9-1799; French organist and composer)
found: Baker, 7th ed.(Balbastre (Balbâtre), Claude; b. 1-22-1727; d. 6-9-1799)
found: Encyc. de la musique(Balbâtre or Balbastre, Claude Bénigne; 1727-1799)
found: Grove music online, March 2, 2017(Balbastre (Balbâtre), Claude; born December 8, 1724, Dijon; died May 9, 1799, Paris; French organist and composer often confused with a younger brother, Claude-Bénigne (born January 22, 1727, Dijon, died before March 22, 1737, Dijon); served as organist at Notre Dame Cathedral)
found: Balbastre, Claude. Pièces de clavecin, ℗2013:container (Claude-Bénigne Balbastre) insert (born 1724, Dijon; died 1799; French harpsichordist, fortepianist, and organist, and composer)
found: French Wikipedia, March 2, 2017(Claude Balbastre; born December 8, 1724, Dijon; died May 9, 1799, Paris; French organist, harpisichordist, and composer; baptized in église Saint-Michel in Dijon, December 8, 1724, son of Bénigne Balbastre, an organist)
found: Musica et memoria WWW site, March 2, 2017(Claude Balbastre; born December 8, 1724, Dijon, and baptized there at the church of Saint-Michel the following day (image of baptismal document shows date: 8 decembre 1724); was godfather to a brother, Claude-Bénigne, born January 24, 1727, with whom he is frequently confused; also had an older brother named Claude; age 75 at his death in 1799) -