The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Upper Canada

  • URI(s)

  • Codes

    • n-cn-on
  • Variants

    • Canada West
    • Haut-Canada
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

    • Later Established Forms

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    • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

    • Sources

      • found: NLC(info. ref.) (Quebec Province was divided in 1791 into two districts: Upper Canada and Lower Canada. Since Confederation in 1867 Upper Canada has been known as the Province of Ontario; AACR 1 & 2: Upper Canada)
      • found: NLC 06-22-94(Canada: In 1841 Upper Canada and Lower Canada united to become the Province of Canada. With confederation of July 1, 1867 the Dominion of Canada was created and the former Province of Canada was superceded by the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec; French forms: Haut-Canada, Bas-Canada, Province du Canada, Dominion du Canada)
      • found: LAC, Nov. 2, 2004(Upper Canada; Quebec (Province) saw its frontiers extended by the Quebec Act (1774) to include the area from Hudson Bay to the Erie and Ohio Territories and from Labrador to the head of the Great Lakes; it was divided 1791 by act of the Imperial Parliament into two districts: Upper Canada and Lower Canada, which were reunited 1841 under the name Province of Canada which existed until Confederation 1867)
    • Editorial Notes

      • [SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a subject. Works about this place are entered under Ontario.]
      • [Summarized from the collection Statutes, treaties and documents of the Canadian constitution, 1713-1929, 2nd ed., 1930: The Province of Quebec was created by George III by royal proclamation on 7 Oct. 1763. It was abolished in 1791; in its stead were created the provinces Upper Canada and Lower Canada. (Cf. The Constitutional Act 1791 (31 Geo. III, c. 31)) In 1841 the two provinces were merged under the name Province of Canada. (Cf. The Union Act (3 & 4 Vic., c. 35)) The areas formerly constituting these two provinces continued to be referred to as Upper Canada and Lower Canada, or Canada West and Canada East respectively. In 1867 the provinces of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia were united to form the Dominion of Canada. The Province of Canada ceased to exist. The part within the abolished Province of Canada which formerly (1791-1840) constituted the Province of Upper Canada constitutes since 1867 the Province of Ontario; the part which formerly (1791-1840) constituted the Province of Lower Canada, constitutes since 1867 the Province of Quebec. (Cf. The British North America Act 1867 (30 & 31 Vic., c. 3))]
      • [In the Library of Congress catalogs the unrevised records for the official publications of the government of Upper Canada are entered under the heading: Ontario.]
    • Instance Of

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    • Change Notes

      • 1980-03-27: new
      • 2012-08-10: revised
    • Alternate Formats