found: Eraut, M.An annotated select bibliography of educational ...
found: Managing your learning, 2002:CIP t.p. (Geoffrey Squires) data sheet, etc. (b. 1942; leads the educational development team at the Univ. of Hull)
found: Squires, Geoffrey. Untitled and other poems 1975-2002, 2004:t.p. (Geoffrey Squires) p. 4 of cover (b. 1942, County Donegal, Ireland; translator of French and Persian poetry; lives in England)
found: Hafez, 2014:ECIP data view (Geoffrey T. Squires; born and grew up in Ireland; MA from Cambridge, Ph. D. From Edinburgh; researched and taught in universities in Iran, France, U.S., and U.K.; retired and living in England)