found: The age of Arthur, 1973:title page (John Morris, Senior Lecturer in History, University College London)
found: British history; and The Welsh annals, 1980:p. v (Dr. John Morris, d. 6/1/77)
found: OCLC, Nov. 29, 2011(hdg.: Morris, John, 1913-1977; usage: John Morris)
found: The prosopography of the later Roman Empire. Volume I, 1971:title page (J. Morris)
found: The prosopography of the later Roman Empire. Volume II, 1980:page ix ("A shadow was cast over the last stages of the preparation of PLRE II by the illness and subsequent death of Dr John Morris")
found: LC data base, 03-22-93(hdg.: Morris, J.)
found: Wikipedia, viewed April 29, 2013(John Morris (Historian); John Robert Morris; born June 8, 1913; died June 1, 1977; English historian who specialised in the study of the institutions of the Roman Empire and the history of sub-Roman Britain)