found: Smend, Rudolf. Jahwekrieg und Stämmebund. English. Yahweh war & tribal confederation, 1970:title page (Rudolf Smend) translator's foreword (professor of Old Testament at the Universität of Münster; grandson and namesake of the 19th century Old Testament scholar Rudolf Smend)
found: OCLC, May 7, 2003(hdg.: Smend, Rudolf, 1932- ; usage: Rudolf Smend)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed November 19, 2019(Rudolf Smend (Theologe, 1932); Rudolf Smend; born October 17, 1932, in Berlin; German theologian and Old Testament scholar; son of Rudolf Smend, the scholar of constitutional law; grandson of the Old Testament scholar Rudolf Smend; obtained his doctorate at Basel in 1958; taught at Münster before joining the faculty at Göttingen in 1971)