found: Parléřovské umění z Porýní, 1983:p. 1 (Schnütgenovo muzeum města Kolína nad Rýnem)
found: Das Schnütgen-Museum, 1964.
found: Museum Schnütgen website, Jan. 10, 2023(In 1906 Alexander Schnütgen announced his intention to leave his collection of ecclesiastical art to the city of Cologne and in 1910 the annexe to the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Arts and Crafts Museum) for the Schnütgen collection is opened. On 10 January 1918, the "Sammlung Schnütgen (Schnütgen Collection) is renamed "Schnütgen-Museum" and in 1932 the Schnütgen-Museum separates from the Arts and Crafts Museum. In 2000 the name of the museum is changed to "Museum Schnütgen". In 2009 the museum building is also structurally joined to the new building of the "Kulturquartier am Neumarkt" (cultural quarters at Neumarkt), connecting the Museum Schnütgen with the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. Postal address is Leonhard-Tietz-Str. 1050676 Cologne. Visitors' entrance is C̃cilienstrasse 29-33 50667 Cologne) -
notfound: Das kleine Andachtsbild, 2004: t.p. (Museum Schnütgen) ;Intern. dir. of arts, 2004: v. 1, p. 325 (under Köln: Museum Schnütgen)