found: Aspects du passé franco-albertain, 1980 (a.e.)t.p. (Kenneth J. Munro)
found: Lawson, P. A taste for empire and glory, 1997:CIP t.p. (Ken Munro)
found: His The political career of Sir Adolphe Chapleau ... c1992:t.p. (Kenneth J. Munro) ack. (Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta)
found: Phone call to Variorum, Oct. 25, 1996(Ken Munro; formerly at Univ. of Alberta; now prof. of history, Columbia Univ.)
found: His A biography of François-Xavier-Anselme Trudel, 2001: CIP t.p. (Kenneth Munro) data sheet (b. Nov. 17, 1945)