- Bernard, of Botone, -1266
- Bernard, of Parma, -1266
- Bernardo, da Parma, -1266
- Bernardus, de Botone Parmensis, -1266
- Bernardus, Dominus, -1266
- Bernardus, Parmensis, -1266
- Botone, Bernardo de, -1266
- Bottoni, Bernardo, d. 1266
- Bottonus, Bernardus, -1266
- Bernardo, Bottonius, -1266
- Bernardus, de Botone, -1266
- Bernarrde, de Parme, -1266
- Bernhardus, Parmensis, -1266
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Death Date
- 1266
Has Affiliation
- Organization: Università di Bologna
Birth Place
- Parma (Italy)
Associated Language
- Latin
Field of Activity
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Bottoni, Bernardo, d. 1266
- found: Catholic Church. Pope, 1227-1241 (Gregorius IX) Decretales dñi ...
- found: Diz. biog. degli Ital.(Bernardo da Parma; b. beg. of 13th (or poss. end of 12th) cent., probably of lower feudal nobility since he carries the name of locality, Botonus (Bottone?); d. Bologna betw. 3/12 and 3/31/1266)
- found: Grande diz. enc., index(Bernardo da Parma)
- found: New Cath. enc.(Bernard of Parma; important canonist and glossator; b. Parma, ca. 1200; d. Bologna, ca. 1264)
- found: NUC pre-56(hdg.: Bottoni, Bernardo, d. 1266)
- found: Schulte, J. F. von. Gesch. d. Quellen u. Lit. des canonischen Rechts, v. 2, 1877:p. 495, etc. (Bernardus Parmensis) p. 114 (Bernardus Parmensis de Botone)
- found: His Casus longi super quinque libros decretalium, 1484 mensis Februarij die sexta:t.p. (... a Domino Bernardo ... compilati)
- found: Decretales, between 1275 and 1325.
- found: Brundage, James. Medieval canon law, 1995:p. 210 (Bernard of Parma, d. 1266; born close to the beginning of the thirteenth century at Parma; member of the de Botone family; studied canon law at Bologna under Tancred and by 1247, he was a canon of the cathedral of Bologna; compiled the Glossa ordinaria and the Casus longi to the Decretales, as well as Summa super titulis decretalium; on his death, he was buried next to Tancred in the cathedral of Bologna)
- found: Wikipedia, viewed 27 January 2025:(Bernard of Botone; date of birth unknown; died in 1263, or, according to Hurter, 24 March 1266; a noted Italian canonist of the thirteenth century; generally called Bern(h)ardus Parmensis or Bernard of Parma, from his birthplace Parma) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_of_Botone
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1982-07-02: new
- 2025-01-28: revised
Alternate Formats