found: Lady sings the blues. [Phonodisc] 1972.
found: New Grove dict. of Amer. mus.(Ross, Diana; b. Mar. 26, 1944, Detroit, MI; pop and soul singer)
found: Grove music online, June 14, 2013(Ross, Diana (Diane Ernestine); born March 26, 1944, Detroit; American pop singer; leader singer of the Supremes)
found: African American National Biography, accessed September 11, 2014, via Oxford African American Studies Center database:(Ross, Diana; Diane; popular singer, stage / screen actor; born 26 March 1944 in Detroit, Michigan, United States; graduated from Cass Technical High School (1962); took center stage withe the Supremes (1960s); left to pursue a solo career (1970); continued manufacturing hits for Motown and RCA; developed acting career (1970s); returned to Motown as both a performer and a director of the company (1989); wrote her autobiography, Secrets of a Sparrow (1993); returned to the album charts (2007))