found: Teologi misi di kawasan Asia Pasifik, 1995:title page (SVD) page 5 (Serikat Sabda Allah)
found: Tomasz Puchała SVD (1890-1946), 2007:title page (Zgromadzenia Słowa Bożego)
found: Our Lady in Catholic life, 1957:title page (Lawerence G. Lovasik, S.V.D., Divine Word Missionary)
found: Almanaque de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe para el año ..., 1948:title page (Misioneros del Verbo Divino; Buenos Aires)
found: In the light of the Word, 2000:CIP title page (Divine Word Missionaries of North America)
found: Katholieke missiën, 1912/13:title page (Missionarissen van het Goddelijk Woord) May 1961, page 383 (Missionarissen van Steyl (SVD))
found: Missiemuseum Steyl website, viewed February 5, 2001(Congregatie van het Goddelijk Woord (SVD))
found: Kontekstualisasi sabda dan transformasi masyarakat, 2002:title page (SVD) back cover (Societas Verbi Divini)
found: Orden Online Klosterlexikon website, viewed January 11, 2011:link to Kloster- und Ordenslexikon page (under Steyler Missionare: Steyler Missionare; Gesellschaft des Göttlichen Wortes; Societas Verbi Divini; SVD; founded September 8, 1875, by Arnold Janssen in Steyl, Holland)
found: "Küldetése a mi küldetésünk" : a verbiták száz éve Magyarországon, 1916-2016, 2016:title page verso (Isteni Ige Társaságának Magyar Rendtartománya)
found: English Wikipedia, viewed September 7, 2023(Society of the Divine Word; Latin: Societas Verbi Divini; abbreviation: SVD; popularly called the Verbites, the Divine Word Missionaries, or the Steyler Missionaries; Catholic clerical religious congregation of Pontifical Right for men; founded on September 8, 1875, by Arnold Janssen at Stejl, Venlo, The Netherlands)
found: Societas Verbi Divini website, viewed September 7, 2023(Societas Verbi Divini; SVD) English-language landing page (Divine Word Missionaries) -