found: Canadian labour, Apr. 1956-
found: NLC 5/14/82(AACR 2: Canadian Labour Congress; Trades and Labor Congress of Canada merged 4/56 with Canadian Congress of Labour to form Canadian Labour Congress)
found: Young, W.D. The anatomy of a party ... 1969:pref. (allied with Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in 1961 as New Democratic Party)
found: Bercuson, D. J. Fools and wise men, c1978:p. 249, etc. (Canadian Labour Congress absorbed the One Big Union in 1956)
found: LAC internal file, November 19, 2018(heading: Canadian Labour Congress; variants: Congrès du travail du Canada; Congreso de Trabajadores de Canada; Trades and Labor Congress of Canada merged in April 1956 with the Canadian Congress of Labour to form the Canadian Labour Congress; in 1961 the Canadian Labour Congress allied with the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation to form the New Democratic Party; in 1981, the expulsion of some member unions lead to the creation in March 1982 of the Canadian Federation of Labour)