found: Bruno, Giordano. Cena de le ceneri. German. Das Aschermittswochmahl, 1969:title page (übersetzt von Ferdinand Fellmann)
found: Lebensphilosophie : Elemente einer Theorie der Selbsterfahrung, 1993:title page (Ferdinand Fellmann)
found: Der Liebes-Code : Schlüssel zur Polarität der Geschlechter, 2007:title page (Ferdinand Fellmann)
found: German Wikipedia, viewed December 9, 2020(Ferdinand Fellmann; born December 14, 1939, in Hirschberg, in the Riesengebirge of Silesia (now Jelenia Góra in Poland); died October 28, 2019, in Münster; German philosopher; obtained his doctorate in 1967 at Bochum; taught at the Universität Münster; author of Lebensphilosophie; author of Der Liebes-Code; he also translated works by Giordano Bruno and Benedetto Croce)