Berthold, von Regensburg, approximately 1210-1272
Berthold, de Ratisbonne, approximately 1210-1272
Berthold, of Regensburg, approximately 1210-1272
Berthold, von Regensburg, ca. 1210-1272
Berthold von Regensburg, d. 1272
Bertholdus, a Ratisbona, approximately 1210-1272
Bertold, von Regensburg, approximately 1210-1272
Ratisbona, Bertholdus a, approximately 1210-1272
Regensburg, Berthold von, approximately 1210-1272
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
Berthold von Regensburg, d. 1272
Berthold, von Regensburg, ca. 1210-1272
found: His Die Missionspredigten des Franziskaners Berthold von Regensburg, 1873:t.p. (Berthold von Regensburg)
found: His Beati Fr. Bertholdi a Ratisbona sermones, 1882:t.p. (...Bertholdi a Ratisbona)
found: Rieder, K. Das Leben Bertholds von Regensburg, 1901:t.p. (...Bertholds von Regensburg) p. 27 (probably b. in 1st decade of 13th cent.)
found: Kosch, W. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon, 1949(Berthold von Regensburg; b. ca. 1210; d. 12/14/1272)
found: Enc. Brit., 1970(Bertold von Regensburg, ca. 1220-1272; Franciscan preacher; index has ref. Regensburg, Bertold von)
found: New Catho. Enc.(Berthold of Regensburg, b. c. 1210, d. 12-14-1272)
found: LC data base, 7-14-83(hdg.: Berthold von Regensburg, d. 1272)
found: His Péchés et vertus, c1991:t.p. (Berthold de Ratisbonne)
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
1983-07-26: new
2018-06-05: revised
Alternate Formats