found: Encyc. Brit., 15th ed.(Beauharnais, Eugène de, b. Paris 9-3-1781, d. Munich 2-21-1824; viceroy of Italy for his stepfather, Napoleon I, 1805-1814; after 1814 lived in Munich; given title Duke of Leuchtenberg by K. of Bavaria, his father-in-law)
found: Dict. de biog. franç.(Beauharnais, Eugène-Rose de, dit prince Eugène, b. Paris 9-3-1781; made prince at procl. of 1st Empire; Viceroy of Italy from June 1805; given title of duc de Leuchtenberg and the principauté d'Eichstaedt by K. of Bavaria after fall of Napoleon)
found: Diz. biog. degli Ital.(Beauharnais, Eugène de, b. Paris 9-3-1781, d. Munich 2-21-1824; after fall of Napoleon had titles Duke of Leuchtenberg and Prince of Eichstadt from K. of Bavaria)
found: Grand Larousse(Beauharnais, Eugène de, duc de Leuchtenberg, prince d'Eichstadt, vice-roi d'Italie, 1781-1824)
found: Brockhaus, 1967(Leuchtenberg, Eugen (Eugène) de Beauharnais, Herzog von, Fürst von Eichstätt, Vizekönig von Italien, 1781-1824)
found: Tessadri, E. Il viceré, c1982:t.p. (Eugenio di Beauharnais)
found: G. L. Print︠s︡ Evgenīĭ-Napoleon Bogarne vo glavi︠e︡ Velikoĭ armīi, 1905.
found: Napoleone, per la grazia di Dio e per le costituzioni, Imperatore de' Francesi, Re d'Italia, protettore della Confederazione del Reno e mediatore della Confederazione svizzera : Eugenio Napoleone di Francia, Vicerè d'Italia, Principe di Venezia, arcicancelliere di stato dell' Impero francese, 1811.