found: Liturgia, opera divina e umana, 1982?:title page (Pierre Jounel) page 5 (monsignore; Istituto superiore di liturgia, Paris)
found: LC data base, 10-31-83(hdg.: Jounel, Pierre)
found: Dalmais, Irénée Henri. Principes de la liturgie. English, 1987:CIP title page (P. Jounel)
found: Bibliothèque nationale de France online catalog, viewed May 23, 2017(authorized access point: Jounel, Pierre (1914-2004); other data in authority record: born July 16, 1914, in Saffré (Loire-Atlantique); died November 4, 2004, in Olivet (Loiret); priest of the diocese of Nantes (ordained in 1940); professor of liturgics at the Institut catholique de Paris; docteur ès lettres) -