found: His Lecturas de filosofía contemporánea, 1984:t.p. (Jacobo Muñoz)
found: LC data base, 7-10-84(hdg.: Muñoz, Jacobo)
found: Bib. Nac. de España auth. file, May 17, 2007(hdg.: Muñoz, Jacobo; cited forms: Jacobo Muñoz, Jacobo Muñoz Veiga; prof. of philosophy, Univ. Complutense de Madrid)
found: El país WWW site, viewed Feb. 26, 2018(in obituary dated Feb. 23, 2018: Jacobo Muñoz; Jacobo Muñoz Veiga; born 1942, Valencia; died yesterday in Madrid; moved to Barcelona, and a year later became prof. of history of philosophy at that university; left to become prof. at the Complutense in 1979, after founding the publishing house Materiales and the journal of the same name; became prof. of metaphysics in Madrid)