found: Tjoa, A M. Die universelle Relation als logische Sicht von Datenbanken, c1982:t.p. (Roland R. Wagner) leaf 180 (Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften; at Inst. f. Informatik, Univ. Linz)
found: Fachtagung EMISA (1987 : Linz, Austria). Informationsbedarfsermittlung und -analyse für den Entwurf ... c1987:t.p. (R.R. Wagner)
found: Database and expert systems applications, 2006:t.p. (Roland Wagner) t.p. verso (University of Linz, Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing)
found: Transactions on large-scale data- and knowledge-centered systems XXIX, [2016]:t.p. (Roland Wagner) verso (FAW, University of Linz, Austria)
found: ODBMS website, seen 24 January 2017(Prof. Roland Wagner, Professor for Information Systems at University of Linz)
found: Transactions on large-scale data- and knowledge-centered systems XLVIII, [2021]:t.p. (Univ. Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner) pref. (born 1952; died 3 January 2020)