found: Laïcité islamique en Algérie, 1983:t.p. (Henri Sanson)
found: Christianisme au miroir de l'islam, 1984:t.p. (Henri Sanson) cover p. 4 (jésuite, chercheur au CNRS; lives in Algeria)
found: Saint Jean de la Croix entre Bossuet et Fénelon, 1953:t.p. (Henri Sanson, docteur ès-lettres)
found: Bibliothèque nationale de France online catalog, Nov. 17, 2010(hdg. in authority record: Sanson, Henri (1917- ); other information in record: b. May 18, 1917; Jesuit; writes on St. John of the Cross, theology, philosophy, and sociology of religions; researcher at the CNRS in Oriental languages and civilizations)