found: Meltinetsʻi, G. Nakhchirner ... 1929:t.p. (Malatʻioy)
found: LC data base, 5-30-85(usage: Malatya) LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Malatya, Turkey; usage: Malatya, Malatia, Melitinēi, Malatʻioy)
found: BGN. Turkey, 1984(Malatya; ppl.; 38°21ʹN, 38°19ʹE; in prov. of Malatya; variants: Malatiyah, Malatia, Melitene)
found: Büyük lugat ve ansikl., 1969-76(Malatya, provincial capitol in East Anatolia, Turkey; the Roman city Melitene [no publs. in LC data base] named after the nearby Hittite city, was later called Malatya. In 1839 its inhabitants moved to Aspuzu [no publs. in LC data base] which then was named Malatya. The abandoned city is now called Eski Malatya [no publs. in LC data base])
found: Kurdî, M. Ḧeft herêmî Bakûrî Kurdistan, 2000:p. 7, etc. (Meledî, Melatiye)
found: Çınar, H. Lîstikên zarokan yên Kurd, 2005:p. 78, etc. (Meletî)