The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

John, of Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Capestrano, Giovanni da, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Capistran, John, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Capistrano, Giovanni da, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Capistrano, Johannes de, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Capistrano, John of, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Capistranus, Johannes, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Gioanne, da Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Giovanni, da Capestrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Giovanni da Capistrano, Saint, 1385 or 6-1456
    • Giovanni, da Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Ioannes, of Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Iohannes, de Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Ivan, Kapistran, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Joannes, of Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Johannes, Capistranus, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Johannes, de Capistrano, Saint, 1386-1456
    • John, Capistran, Saint, 1386-1456
    • Kapristan, Ivan, Saint, 1386-1456
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Birth Date

    • Death Date

    • Has Affiliation

    • Birth Place

        Capistrano (Italy)
    • Field of Activity


      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Earlier Established Forms

        • Giovanni da Capistrano, Saint, 1385 or 6-1456
      • Sources

        • found: Luszczki, L. De sermonibus S. Ioannis a Capistrano, 1961
        • found: LC data base, 1/21/86(hdg.: Giovanni da Capistrano, Saint, 1385 or 6-1456)
        • found: Book of saints(John of Capistrano (St.) C.O.F.M.; 1386-1456 (Oct. 23); canonized 1724)
        • found: Holweck(John of Capistrano; b. 24 June 1386 at Capistrano)
        • found: Diz. biog. degli Italiani(Giovanni da Capestrano (Capistranus, Iohannes de Capistrano, Kapristan), saint, b. 24 June 1386, d. 23 Oct. 1456)
        • found: New Cath. encyc. 2003(John Capistran, St., Franciscan theologian, preacher, and papal diplomat; b. 24 June 1386, d. 23 Oct. 1456)
        • found: ISTCit00060000 (... Johannis Capistrani, Gioanne da Capistrano)
        • found: Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, 2000:(John of Capestrano (1386-1456). Born at Capestrano (L'Aquila), John studied law at Perugia and became a judge there in 1413-1414. In 1415, he took the habit of the Friars Minor and became part of the movement of the Observance, of which he became an eminent representative. Appointed preacher of the crusade against the Turks after the fall of Constantinople (1453), he took part in the victorious siege of Belgrade in 1456, but died soon after at Ilok (Slovenia), 23 October)
        • found: Oxford Dictionary of Saints (5th ed.), 2011, viewed online May 21, 2014(John of Capestrano (1386-1456). Franciscan preacher. Born at Capistrano in the Abruzzi, he studied law at Perugia with conspicuous success, married, and became governor of Perugia in 1412. He was separated from his wife, presumably by mutual consent, and became a Franciscan at the age of thirty. He was ordained priest in 1420 and combined extreme austerity of life with unremitting effort in studying theology under Bernardino of Siena. He then became a successful preacher in Italy, attracting huge crowds and using the same techniques as Bernardino. He also worked hard at the reform and reorganization of the Franciscan Observant friars and of the nuns who were inspired by Colette.
      • Editorial Notes

        • [Some unsourced variants retained from AACR2 record]
      • Instance Of

      • Scheme Membership(s)

      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 1986-01-23: new
        • 2014-05-28: revised
      • Alternate Formats