The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Levi, approximately 1235-

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Aaron ben Josef, ha-Levi, aus Barcelona, approximately 1235-
    • Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Levi, 13th cent.
    • Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Levi, b. ca. 1235
    • Aaron, ha-Levi, approximately 1235-
    • Aaron, of Barcelona, approximately 1235-
    • Aharon ben Yosef, ha-Leṿi, approximately 1235-
    • Aharon, ha-Leṿi, approximately 1235-
    • Halevi, Aaron ben Joseph, approximately 1235-
    • Haleṿi, Aharon ben Yosef, approximately 1235-
    • Harah, approximately 1235-
    • Rah, approximately 1235-
    • אהרן בן יוסף, הלוי
    • אהרן בן יוסף, הלוי approximately 1235-
    • אהרן בן יוסף, הלוי, נ׳ 1235 ca
    • אהרן בן יוסף, הלוי, נ׳ 5321 ca
    • אהרן בן יוסף, הלוי, נולד בערך 1235
    • אהרן בן יוסף, הלוי, מברצלונה, נ׳ 1235 ca
    • אהרן הלוי
    • אהרן, הלוי, מברצלונה, נ׳1235 ca
    • אהרון בן יוסף, 1260 ca.־1320
    • אהרון בן יוסף הלוי
    • אהרוןבן יוסף הלוי
    • ראה
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

    • Birth Date

  • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Earlier Established Forms

    • Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Levi, 13th cent.
    • Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Levi, b. ca. 1235
  • Sources

    • found: Sefer ha-ḥinukh. English & Hebrew. Sefer ha-ḥinukh, 1978-(name not given)
    • found: Enc. Judaica, 1971(Aaron ben Joseph ha-Levi (HaRAH, initials of Ha-Rav Aharon ha-Levi); c. 1235-1300; Spanish rabbi; Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona; Aaron of Barcelona)
    • found: Jewish enc., c1916(Aaron ben Joseph ha-Levi; abbrev.: RAH, Rabbi Aaron ha-Levi; prob. a native of Gerona, Spain; fl. at end of 13th cent. d. bef. 1303; wrongly cred. W. Sefer ha-ḥinnuk [not same as Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona])
    • found: Univ. Jewish enc., 1969, c1939(Aaron ben Joseph Halevi; talmudist, b. Gerona, Spain, about 1235; d. after 1300 [not same as: Aaron Halevi of Barcelona])
    • found: Enc. Judaica, c1928-(Aaron ben Josef ha-Levi aus Barcelona; b. mid 13th cent.; d. after 1300 [not same as: Aaron ha-Levi aus Barcelona])
    • found: LC manual auth. card(hgd.: Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Levi, 13th cent.; variants: RAH, Halevi, Aaron; Aaron, ha-Levi)
    • notfound: Enc. Britannica, 1978
  • Editorial Notes

    • [Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.]
    • [Non-Latin script references not evaluated.]
    • [Not same as: Aaron, ha-Levi, of Barcelona, 13th/14th cent.]
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 1986-03-19: new
    • 2014-12-18: revised
  • Alternate Formats