found: His Le code l'empereur Stephan Douchan et la Renaissance byzantine du XIVe siecle, 1977:t.p. (Panayotis Zepos)
found: LC in RLIN 10-27-86(hdg.: Zepos, Panagīotēs Iōannou, 1908- ; usage: Panayotis Zepos)
found: Papyros-Larous.(Prof. of law University of Athens)
found: Hellēnikē vivliographia, 1976:v. 2 (His Eleutheria kai dikaion, 1976: t.p. (Zepos, Panagiōtēs)
found: International Congress of Byzantine Studiēs (9th : 1953 : Thessalonikē, Greece). Pepragmena ... 1955-1958:t.p. (P. Zepou)
found: Michaēl Phōteinopoulou, Nomikon procheiron ... 1959:t.p. (Pan. I. Zepou)