found: Ward, T. The measurement and reform of budgetary policy, 1978:t.p. (R.R. Neild)
found: LC in RLIN, 9/9/86(hdg. : Neild, R. R.)
found: The Foundations of defensive defence, 1990:t.p. (Robert Neild; professor emeritus of economics, University of Cambridge and fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge)
found: His An essay on strategy, 1990:t.p. (Robert Neild) Brit CIP (Neild, R. R. (Robert Ralph), 1924- )
found: Guardian WWW site, viewed Jan. 8, 2019(Robert Neild; Robert Ralph Neild, economist, born 10 September 1924, Peterborough; died 18 December 2018; for four years from 1967 the economist Robert Neild, who has died aged 94, served as founding director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; worked in Geneva at the UN Economic Commission for Europe (1947-51); at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (1958-64); economic adviser to the Treasury (1964-67); went to Trinity to study on a short course, joining the RAF in 1943; returned in 1945 to complete his economics degree in two years; his first stint at the Treasury (1951-56) was followed by his first as a fellow of Trinity and a lecturer (1956-58); when he returned to the college, it was as professor of economics at the university (1971-84))