found: nuc86-11399: His Amagansett, c1971(hdg. on NSbSU rept.: Pomerance, Murray; usage: Murray Pomerance)
found: Boy with figs, 1993:title page (Murray Pomerance) Canadian CIP (Pomerance, Murray, 1946- )
found: An eye for Hitchcock, c2004:title page (Murray Pomerance) colophon (prof. and chair, Department of Sociology, Ryerson University)
found: Michelangelo red Antonioni blue, 2010:ECIP title page (Murray Pomerance) data view (born: August 9, 1946)
found: Thinking in the dark, ©2016:title page (Murray Pomerance) page 4 of cover (Murray Pomerance is a professor in the department of sociology at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada)
found: An eye for Hitchcock, 2024:ECIP title page (Murray Pomerance)