found: nuc85-74765: His Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1981(hdg.: Haacker, Klaus; usage: Klaus Haacker)
found: LC data base, March 18, 1986(hdg.: Haacker, Klaus)
found: Hebraica Veritas, 1989:title page (Klaus Haacker) back cover (born 1942 in Wiesbaden-Erbenheim, Germany)
found: Die Apostelgeschichte, 2019:title page (Klaus Haacker)
found: Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal / Bethel website, viewed April 24, 2019:link to Hochschule page (under Emeriti/ae: Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Haacker; professor of New Testament; born August 26, 1942, in Wiesbaden-Erbenheim (a town section of Wiesbaden); obtained his doctorate at Mainz in 1970; joined the faculty in Wuppertal in 1974) -