Macaulay, Zachary, 1768-1838
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: nuc86-5234: His East and West India sugar ... 1823(hdg. on LCP rept.: Macaulay, Zachary, 1768-1838)
found: LC data base, 7-16-86(hdg.: Macaulay, Zachary, 1768-1838)
found: Wikipedia, May 26, 2016(Zachary Macaulay (May 2, 1768 - May 13, 1838) was a statistician, one of the founders of London University and of the Society for the Suppression of Vice; an antislavery activist, was the governor of Sierra Leone, the British colony for freed slaves) -
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Change Notes
1986-07-16: new
2022-08-25: revised
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